Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Weekend!

   I always love this time of year because for the next three months we get to celebrate some of the best holidays!  This weekend was Halloween and I love watching the creativity that goes into everyone's costumes.  Sadly, for the first time in years Trent and I didn't do a duo costume because both didn't have the time/money to find a costume... but we still had fun with other Halloween festivities like going to the pumpkin patch, pumpkin carving, celebrating my brothers birthday and watching scary movies! We also got together with some of my favorite girlfriends, which is crazy because our schedules are always opposite.  We rode our bikes around Coronado and fed cute little duckies! 
    It was a busy weekend, but my favorite part was watching my neighbors get all dressed up! They are some of my favorite subjects because they are so funny and energized. I just love those three to death! I hope you all had a great Halloween weekend and you can bet I've probably already finished off all the candy (oops!)... soooo time to bring on the turkey and stuffing! :)

Pumpkin Patchin' :)

Our Carved Pumpkins!

Luke's Birthday Dinner

Embracing the windy day!


Sleeping Beauty

Spiderman (with a rifle?)

So thankful for my little neighbors. They have been such a blessing to my family and my 
heart breaks knowing they'll be moving away by the end of this year! I love them so much!


  1. Slight possibility I will go into a depression when they move away!!! LOOOOVE YOUR PHOTOS!!!!

  2. It's me again...Anonymous grandma!
    Love the photos. Love the photographer.
