Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Boston Portfolio

   I'm leaving for Boston this weekend for my photography contest and before I go I wanted to thank everyone who helped me with my portfolio choices. Here are the ones you helped me choose. Cross your fingers!

1st place picture for the online portion!

Winner receives an all paid expense trip to Hawaii, so I had to include one Hawaii photo :)

 Thanks again everyone! :)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Parsons Family

    It's time to meet the most amazing neighbors in the world! This photo shoot really met a lot to me because I knew it was going to be our last family session before the big move. The Parsons truly are the sweetest people you'll ever meet and it has been such a blessing living across the street from them these past two years. I don't know how my family is going to survive without seeing these little blond hair/blue eyed children everyday, but I'm praying for lots of family visits in the future.



I'm going to miss them so much! Here's a little trip down memory lane.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Katie and Kyle

   I had so much fun getting together with Katie and Kyle earlier this week. They are the cutest couple and they've been dating for four years now.  It's crazy to think I haven't seen them since senior year of high school, but I had a great time catching up with them while we explored Balboa Park.  I'm so thankful for the weather we received because even though the news forecast predicted rain, our session was shot in the sunshine and it even ended with a beautiful sunset!  Thanks for letting me hang out with you Katie and Kyle and I'm excited to see what the future has in store for you :)